Making good progress in your career, but tired of it feeling so hard?
Making good progress in your career, but tired of it feeling so hard?
Step into your next role without it taking up so much of your bandwidth
Feel a greater sense of freedom in your working life so you can go further in your career, have more choices available and enjoy the ride
Switch off (guilt free) at the end of the day and have more time and energy for life beyond your work
Feel greater contentment and an ease in your own skin
Have ambitions that excite you, and a sense of acceptance about where you are right now
Introducing my Group Coaching Programme for women:
Next cohort begins October 2022
Small group: 6 seats only
This is an invitation to join my group coaching programme, The Inside-Out Leader.
It’s not a short note, because there is much to say. You might want to grab a coffee or a hot chocolate, stretch out on the sofa and give yourself 15 minutes or so to drink it all in.
This programme is designed for six leaders looking to take their career to the next level in a way that feels joyful and authentic. It’s a chance to dive deep and create a solid foundation that will benefit you for the rest of your working-life.
This is probably a good place to share my definition of a leader:
I see that a leader is anybody who chooses to take responsibility for their own inner experience and their impact on the world around them (it’s not about role or title).
And with this in mind here’s something else I believe:
Long term, the most important thing we can do to grow our leadership, is to work on our inner world first.
But unfortunately, in most organisations, too few people are adequately supported to build this foundation as they move through their career. Of course, some may choose to go on their own journey of self-help, and their organisation may encourage and inspire them to do this - I’m sure you’ve heard many inspiring speakers at your workplace over the years.
But when it comes to providing hands-on support with identifying their blind spots and examining and reshaping the inner-dialogue they are in with themselves – most leaders have to figure it out on their own. In-depth support is usually reserved for the most senior leaders, and in small numbers.
As a result there are millions of good, hard-working people in corporate careers who are not only falling short of their true potential as leaders, but who are experiencing their careers in a way that is so much harder than it needs to be.
If you are reading this letter, you have likely achieved considerable success already in your career but are noticing an underlying feeling of unease. Each new challenge you step into requires more and more of your time and energy. You may put this down to it just being “the way it is” as you take on bigger roles. Perhaps you also wonder if you are hitting a ceiling. That maybe you don’t have what it takes to go too much further, despite being told you have great potential. Perhaps you believe you need to eradicate the self-doubt and negative mind talk you experience as you take on new challenges. You’re very aware that what people see on the outside when they look at you – capable and confident – is not how you feel on the inside.
One of the most common requests people have for me as we start our one-to-one coaching work is “Claire – help me get rid of the mind-talk.”
I have an answer that often surprises them:
Getting rid of it is not the answer.
It is part of you and will always be a part of you. It is part of being human. The problem is not that you have it – it is that you haven’t been taught to relate to it in a life-affirming way.
There are many reasons for this that I won’t get into here, but there is one piece I do want to name:
Many of the systems we are part of benefit from us believing that we are somehow not enough.
Most adverts we see play on this belief. And when I think about the set up of the corporate world, from the mechanics in place (such as hierarchy) and other cultural quirks in meeting rooms across the world, I cannot help thinking it works in shareholders’ favour for most of the workforce to have their self-doubt spur them on.
I remember my disappointment as a boss of mine, justified his decision to not give me the highest performance rating available (despite me exceeding every objective he had set). He explained that with so much to deliver next year, he couldn’t have me getting complacent. He needed me hungry for that top rating so I would deliver again. I had given so much to achieve those results, and made huge personal sacrifices to do so.
I talked him round, and in the end received the rating I deserved. But the experience was frustrating and draining, and whilst my boss’ approach was far from ideal, I was also colluding with him in many ways. It was mainly me that was having my working-life feel the way it did. I had far more control than I realised. I just wasn’t equipped or supported to change how it felt. I wasn’t taking responsibility for my own inner experience.
The part of my inner world I didn’t have clear visibility of was my need for approval from others. It drove me to approach my work in a way that was all-consuming. I was being driven by an unconscious need to prove myself most of the time. It led me to barely see my children and husband, and when I did, I was distracted and stressed. I was hell-bent on showing the people I worked with that I deserved to be round that leadership table, because underneath I believed I didn’t deserve to be there and felt like a fraud. This worked out great for my organisation: They got a ridiculous amount of amazing work out of me, and my boss being hard to please spurred that pleasing, proving part of me on.
Every week my clients share examples they are grappling with, in cultures that aggravate their own limiting beliefs and assumptions. This is the water they are swimming in. There are small and big ways their own limiting beliefs and assumptions get triggered on the daily. That is part of corporate life. But the problem with that, is it’s their survival instincts that are getting activated. The fear-based parts of their brain, responsible for keeping them alive, are driving their decisions and responses.
And this is when career progression can feel uninspiring, exhausting and all-consuming.
It can become a never-ending quest to prove yourself and feel like you’re enough. And when this is your experience, it is very difficult to bring your best leadership to the table. It’s like driving with the handbrake on. And not only are you losing out, but so is your organisation and everyone around you.
I see a need to help people break free of this cycle. Not only because I’ve had a front-row seat and know how soul-sucking it feels, but because it’s not good for anyone in the long term: It’s not sustainable for organisations and their shareholders, our families, communities or the planet.
There is no one simple answer, but there is a principle that sits at the heart of my work. A principle I believe is foundational to fulfilling work-lives and the kind of powerful, authentic leadership our world most needs. It’s the lens we need to look through as we do the inner work on ourselves as leaders, and it is often missing from the conversation about leadership:
I’m talking about self-acceptance.
It’s missing because it goes against the grain of the prevailing culture – which is about achieving more, looking at our gaps first and always needing to improve.
All of those things have their place – but I see that the long term fix to work feeling less like an uphill slog, is to first nurture greater compassion for ourselves as we are right now.
This involves learning to accept all parts of yourself (even the negative mind-talk) and developing a life-affirming relationship with them. With that grounding you can move into whatever challenges you choose with an inner sense of safety that nobody and nothing can take from you.
My own journey from constantly proving myself, to greater authenticity and ease in my own skin, started with this. And that is where I have started with the hundreds of leaders I have supported on their own journey.
So rather than making the mind talk go away, I see that it’s about changing your relationship with it, so it is like spending time with a (slightly annoying) friend who is welcome in your home. As opposed to a gate-crasher who spills red wine on your carpet, treads it all round the house and then refuses to leave the party.
I didn’t start to do this inner work myself until I was more than a decade into my corporate leadership career. As a result, the external success I achieved came at great personal cost. Despite moving into roles that felt increasingly more purposeful, I continued to battle myself in various ways. I had a nagging feeling that I wasn’t quite bringing the best of myself to the table – and an underlying sense of unease remained. It took almost reaching burn-out and the breakdown of my marriage for me to realise that something inside of me needed to change (rather than the external circumstances of my work) if I was to create a career (and life) that truly nourished me.
By beginning the inner work I now guide people through, I started to see changes in how my life and work felt, and the results I was able to create. As I secured my first Director-level role, I experienced what I had previously thought impossible: doing a bigger role and it actually feeling good. I started to have the impact on my organisation I had been longing to.
I wish I hadn’t waited so long to start this inner work. It didn’t occur to me to look beyond the surface-level development my organisation offered its leaders, and go deeper. Because I didn’t understand the benefits of doing so.
There are so many upsides to deciding to actively nurture your inner world as a leader. Some of them are quantifiable, and whilst I do not make guarantees about what this will look like for anyone, there can be very tangible financial returns:
Examples from my clients’ careers include stepping into their next promotion six months sooner than planned, asking for and getting the 10% pay-rise they deserved, and gliding into a dream job in a new organisation (when facing redundancy) two days after their last gig finished (during the global pandemic).
These are all wonderful outcomes, but what my clients would tell you are worth more to them, are the less quantifiable results. The ones that they tell me about with a deep breath of contentment.
Enjoying a weekend with their partner and son and feeling present, light and joyful. Fully switching off from work, when last month ‘switching off’ had felt impossible amidst the leadership challenges of the pandemic and increasing complexity in role.
Having an honest conversation with their boss for the first time about how it feels to work under extreme micro-management. Agreeing a different way of working and creating more headspace for themselves. Feeling good about finally stepping into this awkward conversation and it not blowing up as they feared.
In the lead up to a big presentation to the Exec team, not over-preparing and fretting, but instead doing solid prep in a few hours and then trusting they would be able to handle whatever happened in the room. And then handling it – with ease and confidence. Taking the conversation to a new level and enjoying the whole experience.
Booking themselves onto a long weekend reviving a hobby they loved decades ago, and feeling zero guilt. The decision to do this energising them as they headed off to work the next day.
“Before working with Claire, I thought I needed to be great at everything, throwing myself into roles which didn’t suit my strengths and certainly didn’t motivate me, trying to make myself more “well-rounded”. Claire helped me discover what is truly important to me and now I have moved to a role that makes me jump out of bed in the morning. Claire is calm and reassuring, has great intuition and helps you get to the core of what’s going on for you. As a result of working with her, I love my work now and I’m thriving. I 100% recommend Claire, she is amazing at what she does.”
Alex Cunningham, Area Manager
“Claire has enabled me to get to know and understand myself better. I’m becoming the leader I want to be. I’ve gained a clearer perspective on challenges, clarity of purpose and intention and a set of tools that are helping me to stay on purpose. This is benefiting me but also my work and my colleagues as I’m able to be more productive and able to support my team. I’m also more confident to challenge when things aren’t right. My family have noticed the difference too, I’m more relaxed at home and am able to switch off after work and spend more quality time with them.”
Therese Holden, IT Business Service manager
“Claire has helped me create a work-life I enjoy which has had an amazing knock-on to my life outside of work. Claire supports you to deeply explore what you’re thinking and feeling, and keeps things practical and real. I’ve loved working with her. My only regret is that I didn’t meet her sooner!”
Heidi Vietz, Project Manager
“Claire has a real talent for enabling me to break down what I felt were quite overwhelming situations at times, and helped me create plans that made it feel easy to take action and make some huge changes in both my work and personal life. She encouraged me to both respect my own intuition, and to see life and situations from different perspectives. Two years on and I can clearly see that our work together was a turning point for me in my life. I am a more balanced person and have a clearer view about who I am and what my values are, and continue to feel the benefits in both my work and home life.”
Matthew Topping, Facilities Manager
Rather than feeling like you’re struggling up a hill, on a bike with no gears, you will have more moments where you feel like you’re free-wheeling with the wind in your hair and the sun on your face.
This is what I want more people’s experience of their leadership careers to be.
And so for the fourth time I am offering access to the approach I take with my one-to-one coaching clients, as an in-depth group coaching programme, beginning in October 2022 and completing in February 2023.
You are new in a bigger role, or are looking to take the next step soon, but it’s dawning on you that how you have approached your career progression until now is unsustainable. You want to continue to develop your career, but with less striving, pushing and proving.
The pandemic has caused you to question your career choices, but resigning isn’t a viable option. You want to create clarity on what your direction could be, and equip yourself to move towards that with confidence and courage, whilst remaining in your current role.
You long to feel a greater sense of joy and ease in all parts of your life - both at work and beyond it. You want to feel excited about your career and where you’re headed but at the same time enjoy where you are right now. You want to savour the simple pleasures of life, enjoy spending time with your friends and family and be able to fully switch off and be present when you’re not working.
You’ve had some coaching in the past, or taken a course at work aimed at building more confidence, finding greater purpose or influencing others. The support you’ve had was helpful, and you started to have breakthroughs and made some changes, but you haven’t fully integrated what you learned into your day-to-day work and life, and are ready to dive back in.
You regularly do things that push you outside your comfort zone at work so that you keep growing, but are left feeling dissatisfied, exhausted and uninspired. You’ve read self-help and leadership books to try and get unstuck, but you feel like you’re going round in circles when it comes to feeling more confident.
You want to continue delivering great results, but feel more like yourself whilst doing so. You want talking to your bosses boss to feel as easy and natural as talking to that colleague you love working with and can be 100% yourself around.
You’re ready to make a bigger difference and have more courage to speak up when it counts. To say ‘no’ when you mean ‘no’, and to feel excited when you say ‘yes’ to important pieces of work that take you out of your comfort zone. You want your working life to feel more meaningful. You’re not 100% sure what that looks like, but part of you believes it is possible to have that within a corporate setting, either in an in-house role, or as a coach or consultant.
You are at least five years into your career. You’ve been around the block a few times and have a few promotions under your belt. You likely lead a team, or this may be the next move for you. Your role matters less than your willingness and readiness to look within.
You are ready to dive deep. This kind of work isn’t easy. It requires courage and a kind of honesty with yourself that isn’t for everyone. But you are ready to work in a supportive group led by an experienced guide to do so.
You are able to block out time in your diary for the twice-monthly coaching calls. This is a live coaching programme as opposed to a self-directed online course. If you don’t show up to the calls it’s unlikely you will gain maximum value from the programme.
You are excited about being part of a group. Learning from each others’ experiences and being on the journey together is an intentional element of the programme’s design. I want it to be filled with people who are excited about being on the journey with others.
You are ready to participate on the calls - they are not a spectator sport. Our live coaching sessions will be highly interactive - designed to support you in looking within and relating the concepts I introduce to your lived experience as a leader. The focus of our live time together will not be on me downloading content.
You like learning by doing. I will support you to put your learning into practice, in the real-world, from the very start of the programme. Alongside reflecting and exploring your inner world, you will be applying what you are learning about yourself outside the sessions as you go. I believe that transformation doesn’t happen until some kind of action is taken.
You see room for growth in yourself and your career that could justify the investment in this programme and you feel excited about making it. This programme requires a commitment of your time and money. Whilst you may be new to investing in yourself, it should feel (in your gut) like an empowering and financially responsible decision. If you plan on asking your employer to fund your place in the programme, it should feel like a great use of that resource.
You feel confident and content with how work feels and excited about your future career. If that’s true, thank you for reading this far – but don’t need this programme.
You cannot imagine prioritising the coaching calls over other meetings. This is a live coaching programme, not a self-directed online course. If you sign up, I suggest that the only way to see the coaching calls are as high priority immovable meetings. If you are not able to make this work for at least 80% of the time (and most definitely for the first call), please don’t sign up. I don’t want to waste your time or your money.
You have had enough of corporate life and are poised to leave. You have had enough, are ready to explore other options, figure out your big dream and walk off into the sunset. Perhaps to be a coach, a consultant or set up your own non-profit. I honour your courage and wish you all the luck in the world, but this programme won’t be a fit. It is specifically intended to help people in corporate roles thrive whilst they are there.
You are already an experienced coach or consultant looking to grow your business. For mentorship on the practicalities of building and marketing a business that does good in the world, I highly recommend Tad Hargrave.
You want quick wins, hacks and short-cuts to coming across as more confident for a big upcoming presentation or promotion. This programme is about fostering inside-out change - I believe that when you truly feel confident on the inside, the outside results follow. But this does take time - it is not a quick fix - and hacks and short-cuts are not part of the work I do.
“I’ve always known I was in the right profession, but despite the experience I’ve gained over the years and the progression I’ve made, I had a sense of feeling held back and knew I wasn’t fulfilling my full potential. In every role, I have driven myself hard, determined to deliver the best I can, but have also known for a while that how I was approaching my working-life wasn’t sustainable. I had tried ‘quick-fix’ solutions myself, guided by books and Ted Talks, but having the discipline to implement what I was learning, or even know how to, was hard.
When I began Claire’s programme, I was considering what the right next career move was for me, but I also wanted to change my approach to work so that it felt more sustainable, as well as find a leadership role that would stretch and excite me. As a busy working Mum there’s always been so much going on, and I had never managed to step off the treadmill and properly invest time, money and energy in my own growth.
I wished I had done this programme a decade ago. Being part of a group, only enhanced the unique individual learning we were each able to take from the modules. Claire led us to create an environment where we were able to be ourselves, open up and take the most from the coaching, and one another’s experiences, right from the start. Even when a session felt confronting, the highly practical ‘homework’ assignments, and support available outside the sessions, meant that I was always able to keep going and take rich and valuable learning.
After spending most of my career in HR and Transformation roles in large corporate environments, I’ve recently stepped into a new tech scale-up with ambitious growth plans, as Chief People Officer. If I hadn't participated in The Inside-Out Leader, I'm not sure I would have been brave enough to take the leap, or even seen this role for the exciting opportunity that it is. That is one of many tangible outcomes of doing the programme, but more than anything I feel a greater sense of ease in my own skin. I feel calmer and more present as a leader, wife and mother. I have made the shift from being driven by fear of failure and the need to please others, to making day-to-day and bigger decisions based on what is most important to me and the impact I want to have, and it is liberating. I feel inspired about the future and the continuing journey I am on.
Claire’s approach and the programme she has created is refreshingly different. She brings a combination of depth, warmth, fun and compassion to what is without doubt a challenging process. Her way of being, and the elegant structure of the programme, makes it possible (and joyful) to keep going and make the changes within yourself that are very hard to make alone. If you are serious about unlocking what is holding you back and stepping more fully into your potential as a leader, I couldn’t recommend Claire and this programme more highly.” Caroline Macgregor, People and Change Leader
The coaching programme is structured around five learning modules based on a proven route to creating inside-out confidence as the foundation for your leadership. The steps I will guide you through are based on the principles, practices and insights I have used with hundreds of leaders to support their journey towards greater joy, meaning and impact in their careers (and lives beyond work).
There are three key components of the programme:
The intimate live coaching calls are the heart of the programme, and are designed to support you in starting a life-affirming inner dialogue with yourself and building confidence that radiates authentically from the inside-out.
I will facilitate group exercises designed to take you deeper into the concepts introduced through the pre-work, so that you can meaningfully relate them to your own experiences. The sessions will be interactive and immersive, and are designed to invite you into the water and have you splashing around, rather than sitting on the edge talking about going for a swim. By this, I mean I will be guiding you in exercises and discussions that will invite your full participation, rather than listening to me and others talk about concepts at an intellectual level.
There will be opportunities to be coached by me individually, in the presence of the group, and I will invite the whole group to consider their own learning as part of this. You will also be coaching one another. My experience of facilitating groups in many different organisations is that getting coached and hearing the coaching of the fellow participants, is often just what makes the shift from, “I think I get it,” to “Ah, that totally makes sense! Oh wow, that changes everything!”
There will be a strong focus on taking action outside the sessions: Each call you will be supported to get clear on the next steps you are taking, specific to your own journey, which will further deepen your learning and start to create tangible changes in your working life and leadership impact. You will have the support and encouragement of the other participants, as you celebrate your wins and reflect on your learning along the way.
We will spend time at the start of the programme agreeing how we’ll create a learning experience that feels good for all of us. I am experienced in creating safe, enjoyable and thought-provoking spaces for learning and am always inspired by the magic that can happen when a group works together in this way over time.
In order to create a safe, confidential space the calls will not be recorded. This programme is designed to be a live coaching programme, not a self-directed online course. If the situation arises where you need to miss a call, I will provide guidance to support you catch up on what you have missed, but it won’t be the same as experiencing the call live. If you sign up for the programme, I strongly recommend you put all the call times in your diary up-front and make whatever arrangements you need to for them to take priority.
You will be provided with resources directly after each call. These will support you to apply your take-outs from the coaching in your day-to-day work, and prepare for the following coaching session. I recommend allowing 60-90 minutes for this per call. The resources will vary in format and include resource sheets and audios as well as guided reflections and questions.
You will have access to an online space for just the 6 programme participants, plus me.
This is a confidential online space where you can share your breakthroughs and insights, and support each other in deepening into the principles and teachings of the programme.
There is something powerful about doing transformational work in community. My intention is that this adds another level of richness to the programme that you would not get in a one-to-one coaching programme. The previous cohort found this to be a valuable feature of the programme, and have inspired one other to take action as they have put into practice their learnings.
We will use the app, Telegram. It is free for you to download and use (and very easy to install on your phone), and is a bit like WhatsApp. I’m choosing to use this rather than WhatsApp or Facebook because I see that it’s important to draw a boundary around technology when we’re not working. I’m sure you wouldn’t want a WhatsApp message popping up from me on a Thursday night when you’re watching a box set with your loved ones. And I feel the same.
This is a valuable part of the programme, and something that could really support you bring your learning to life.
Using Telegram, you can privately text me or send me voice messages (sometimes talking is easier than typing). You can essentially use this as a one-to-one coaching space between us. You might have a situation coming up that you want to apply some of the learning in, and want to bounce around an idea. Or if you feel stuck as you put things into practice I can support you navigate that. Or you may just want to share a breakthrough.
My intention in offering this level of support is that it feels as though I am walking by your side when you are out there, putting what you’re learning into practice. It’s not a means for me to check up on you. I will not be following up on actions you have decided you are taking after a call. Rather it is an open line from you into me, as you need or desire it.
I will be available to respond Monday - Friday (except for UK Bank Holidays) and will get back to you within two business days (often sooner). There will certainly be one week, possibly two, during the programme when I will be on holiday and so won’t be contactable during this time.
“I’ve worked closely with Exec-level leaders for years, but at times I’ve found some aspects of navigating hierarchy and politics difficult. In the past I’ve spent time and energy "overthinking" in the lead up to particular situations, and I wanted to deal with these challenges as I stepped into a new role and organisation in a more authentic way. I started the programme just as I left my previous employer, where I had been for a long time.
There was a safety and openness in the group from the first call. Whilst we were each on our own individual journeys, we were also in the same boat, experiencing similar challenges. That in itself felt empowering and gave me the energy to put into practice what I was learning right from the start. Claire is expert at creating a safe environment where you can truly open up and discover more about yourself. I found the coaching from her and the rest of the group both thought-provoking and highly pragmatic.
Having completed the programme, the discomfort when facing certain challenges hasn’t gone, but rather than avoiding situations, I am being more courageous and speaking up more of the time, because I know it’s the right thing to do. Rather than overthinking upcoming challenges, I am more grounded in the lead up, and feel more confident and resilient. The emotions I was experiencing previously have calmed. They no longer sap my energy and cause me to overthink. Instead, I see them as a necessary part of leadership, and something that I can navigate and draw on to help me grow.
The programme has supported me to build a foundation for my leadership and career that came at the perfect time for me, and I am excited about building on it as I continue to develop as a leader. I highly recommend this programme to anyone who wants to feel more confident in their leadership and move into their next role in a way that feels authentic and meaningful.” Lisa Jones, Senior HR Leader
Through the live coaching calls, supported by the pre-work and follow up actions you will take, you will be guided through the following five modules of learning:
1) Orientation: Introduction to The Inside-Out Leader
I’ll share insights gleaned from coaching many leaders though this journey and you will discover the key shifts you can make to prepare yourself to get the most from the programme.
I’ll offer an overview of the steps involved in unleashing your inside-out leadership including the nuts and bolts of the programme so that you are ready to dive in.
You’ll have the opportunity to meet the rest of the group and together we will agree how we will make our time in the group calls a safe, enjoyable and transformational experience.
You will be supported in getting clear on what you personally want to gain from the programme and we will dive straight into some foundational principles that you can put into practice right away.
2) Getting To Know Your Inner World
In this module we will be uncovering and exploring your inner world with the aim of increasing your awareness of ways you are subconsciously limiting your leadership impact and enjoyment of work.
A useful metaphor for the beliefs and assumptions that create these limits is an over- zealous inner-CEO. He wants the best for you but relies on specific strategies designed to protect you from threats that he sees. Whilst these strategies are occasionally relevant, much of the time they are not and they are a large part of what is causing the feeling of uphill struggle you are experiencing in your working life.
I will guide you to relate to this part of you in a life-affirming way – a foundational concept running through the whole programme.
3) Setting Your Own Direction: Your Leadership Compass
In this module I will invite you to dive into some big and important questions about how you want your life and work to feel and what is most important to you.
The previous module is a crucial pre-cursor to this one, so that these questions can be explored expansively. A bit like a strategy awayday – you want the right members of your inner leadership team round the table, and your over-zealous inner CEO is not invited to this party.
This module is designed to equip you with clarity on what you stand for, what you care most deeply about and the impact you want to have through your working-life. The practices you will learn and integrate through this module will be reference points throughout the programme, and will start to infuse your experience of work with greater meaning and purpose.
4) A New Team at the Table: Your Empowering Inner Team
This module focuses on giving you access to inner resources that will have your experience of work feel more joyful and authentic.
In module one we started to calm down your fear-led incumbent inner-CEO, and in module two we got clear on what is most important to you. It’s now time to recruit a metaphorical inner leadership team who will help you flourish.
You will gain insight on and learn to access compelling natural leadership qualities you already possess, and learn how to magnify these to enhance your enjoyment of and impact at work. This will help you feel more confident and bring more of your personality into your working relationships. You will be more able to express your opinions and respond calmly to challenging situations, without them taking up so much of your energy.
5) Bringing It All Together: Integration and Next Steps
The final module will focus on cementing the foundations you have built for yourself, as you continue your journey as an inside-out leader beyond the programme.
It will enable you to continue to expand your leadership, joyfully and authentically, and to create meaning from even the most challenging situations.
You will learn about my four-part framework for conscious, authentic leadership that can be applied to any situation. It will enable you to integrate and practice everything you have learned, and continue to grow your confidence, courage and impact well beyond the programme.
The schedule for the October 2022 cohort will be published by the end of June.
All calls will fall at 3.30-5.00pm UK time, on a Thursday, and there will be two calls scheduled each month for 5 months.
£1750 for self-funding leaders (inclusive of UK VAT)
£1850 if you choose the three-pay option
(A deposit of £850 to secure your place, followed by 2 payments of £500 due at the end of November and the end of January 2022)
Important note: These prices are for self-funding leaders only. If you intend on asking your employer to fund your place (for example by claiming back through expenses or asking me to issue them an invoice), please let me know. I will provide you with my organisational rates for this offering, based on the sector you work in. I can also provide an overview of the programme, written specifically for organisations (rather than the individual leader, as this letter is), which may help you make the business case for your employer investing in you.
This price is on the low end of what you might pay in other programmes for a similar level of support.
Why aren’t I charging more?
Reason #1: I am almost at capacity with my one -to-one coaching work
As my business has grown over recent years through referrals and recommendation, most months I am at full capacity. I am only able to take on new one-to-one clients as others complete their work with me. But I also want to support more people. I could probably squeeze in a few more clients if I were creative with my diary, but that would not be sustainable. Supporting people through this transformational process in a group format is a sustainable way for me to have more impact through my work.
Reason #2: I love digging in with a small group of people over time
Working with a small group is something I love. It offers a level of richness and connection that I want more of in my life. Especially at this time, with everything that is unfolding in the world. Working with the first three cohorts of The Inside-Out Leader has been one of the most enjoyable, fulfilling experiences of my career to date. Whilst I have a busy schedule of group coaching with my organisational clients, I have loved offering a format that is 100% untethered from any one organisation’s objectives.
Reason #3: The experiences I have had inside group coaching programmes, as a participant, have been powerful
Some of the biggest transformational leaps I have made in my own leadership have been as a participant in group programmes over the years. I am part of a group I joined in early 2020, and continue to be delighted by the learning I glean from the other participants and the power of receiving their support. I would love for you to have that too.
Reason #4: This is an important step towards v 2.0 of my business model
I am in the process of evolving my business model. I want to be as accessible as possible, whilst honouring the value my work delivers. Over the coming years I will continue to offer regular free or low cost intro workshops, and have recently launched a flexible ‘coaching in your pocket’ offering. I also plan on creating mini-courses on specific leadership topics and other deeper dive group programmes such as this, with one-to-one Executive coaching being just one part of how I spend my time serving people, rather than the majority. The Inside-out Leader will remain one of my signature offerings and I am excited about offering it for a fourth time.
“In the past, I felt interested by the content of online courses but that is not the same as really ‘living it.’ It was time to dedicate effort and energy to building a solid foundation for myself. I wanted to feel more confident, and more inspired by my working-life
Claire invited us to dive deep, and that isn’t always easy. I felt strong resistance at times, but with Claire’s support, both within the group sessions, and one-to-one beyond them, I was able to move through the places where I felt stuck which led to a number of meaningful breakthroughs.
There was a real sense of camaraderie in the group, and an ease and openness as we each navigated the programme in our own unique way. We had lots of fun and I learned so much from listening to others’ experiences. I came away from each session feeling more buoyant. And always with a deeper, more profound sense of belonging.
I thought I knew what my values were before joining the programme, but I have walked away with a much deeper and clearer understanding of what is truly most important to me. But more significantly, I am now equipped to integrate that awareness in how I approach my work and life beyond it. To actually ‘live it.’ What I have learned is helping me make decisions about my career, how I approach my relationships (inside and outside of work) and day-to-day how I consider my role.
I feel less of a need to please others and more confident. feel calmer and more in control, and less inclined to strive to meet unrealistic expectations. I now have the confidence to say “Let’s pause a second. What’s the right thing to do here, that gets the same, or better results.” As a result, I’m creating a better balance across all parts of my life and have more energy to focus on the most important aspects of my work and my personal relationships.
Joining this programme has made a huge difference to how I feel both inside and outside of work. I’m excited about the outcomes I’m already seeing, and everything to come as I continue to put into practice the life-changing revelations I have learned. Thank you, Claire!” Kerryn Harding-Jones, Leading Business Transformations
If this feels like a fit, there are a handful of reasons to consider signing up sooner rather than later:
Reason #1: There is no shortcut to building this foundation for yourself. Doing this kind of inner work is unavoidable if you want a leadership career that is life-affirming for you and impactful for others. For all the reasons I have already laid out (and many more) – the corporate world is not an easy place to navigate, and the sooner you strengthen your own foundation the sooner it will start feeling different.
Reason #2: This is not a journey I recommend making on your own. This kind of programme isn’t the only way to do this kind of inner work, self-help can be useful, but you will have a better chance of success in the company of an experienced guide. It is exceedingly difficult to see your own blind spots. If you go it alone you risk missing ways that you are sabotaging yourself. And the company of the group makes it even more enriching. You will have the benefit of 6 different perspectives in total – that is powerful.
Reason #3: Without a structure you are more likely to lose focus and possibly give up. This programme provides a proven pathway you can follow which of course is easier than trying to implement something yourself. It also provides an accountability structure: you will be showing up for yourself at the calls twice a month, and that in itself could be very impactful.
Reason #4: This programme is completely untethered from your organisation’s objectives. I have designed this programme based purely on what is best for the 6 people who sign up. There are no other agendas. No other boxes that need to be ticked. No three-way meeting with your line manager to agree what you’ll be working on. It is designed with the lens 100% focused on you, your career and the impact you want to have.
Reason #5: I will not be offering this programme again until February 2023. After this fourth run, I will be taking stock, reflecting and refreshing it once again. I will then re-open it in early 2023. If you want to build the foundation this programme offers, by signing up now you will be able to benefit at a time in our world when having a solid foundation in place for your leadership is more important than ever.
“Before working with Claire I knew I had potential for more but felt stuck. I now have goals that inspire me and am moving towards them. Claire’s superpower is that she makes you feel at ease, allowing you to authentically discover things about yourself that you don’t even realise you are looking for. Working with her felt like arriving at the top of a mountain but without the bit at the start where you stand at the bottom and think “that’s impossible.”
Emily Cowell, Work-Stream Lead
I’ve done my best to set everything out here, and if you’ve read this far you will likely have a sense of whether the programme is a good fit for you. You may also have questions you would like to ask me.
If you are interested in joining , the next step is for us to have a quick call to answer any questions you have, and double check the programme is a good fit for you. If you can’t find a time that works via the button below, please email me at
Once we have spoken, if the fit feels right and you are funding yourself, you can choose to pay via bank transfer or PayPal to secure your spot.
If you plan on asking your organisation to sponsor you, I can talk through the pricing for your sector, so you can seek the support you are looking for from your employer.
My one-to-one coaching programmes are based on the same philosophy as this programme. After reading this letter, your sense may be that you would prefer to work one-to-one. If so, then you can read more about my programmes for self-funding leaders here and my work with leaders funded by their organisations here.
If your budget doesn’t currently allow for this programme, other ways of accessing my support at a lower price point include The Joyful Career Accelerator, which includes eight weeks of unlimited coaching over Telegram, and my drop-in coaching sessions. You’re also welcome to join one of my free pop-up workshops which I run most months. Upcoming dates and sign up here.
If we have worked together previously, you may be eligible to join The Joyful Career Incubator. The investment for this starts from £65 per month.
If you have read this far, thank you for your company :)
All my best,
p.s. Investing in yourself by enrolling in this programme is a bold move. But if my philosophy resonates with you, and you are ready to do this inner-work, I would be very surprised if it’s a decision you’ll regret.
p.p.s. Caroline, a participant in the first cohort of the programme, recently shared her honest views of the programme in an interview with me here.
p.p.p.s My work is frequently described as life-changing. I make no promises about this, because as with any programme, the results created are a result of what the learner is willing to put in as much as the quality of the teacher or guide. The leaders whose testimonials I have shared in this letter put in a lot, and it paid off. A few more examples below.
“I’ve worked in big corporates for most of my career in business change and transformation, but more recently moved to a smaller tech start up in a client-facing commercial role. I joined The Inside-Out Leader because I wanted to continue to make progress in my career, but I wanted it to feel different. Claire’s philosophy of the inside-out approach to growing your leadership resonated with me, and I wanted to get under the skin of my own ‘inner dialogue’ and learn how I could evolve that.
As someone who enjoys meeting new people and working in-person, I was a little apprehensive about the level of connectedness we’d be able to achieve as a group over Zoom, but I was amazed at what happened! It was like we had known each other for years. The environment felt safe, and everyone came with the desire to share openly with one another. I was also struck by the ability of others to see qualities in me that I hadn’t quite recognised in myself, and this added to the individual coaching we received from Claire. It was very powerful.
Before the programme, the thought of another twenty years of work ahead of me was exhausting. Now, I have a new level of optimism about my career. I know there are many opportunities that lie ahead, and that those could take many different forms, and that feels exciting. As a result of the programme, I am now able to navigate the challenges and decisions I am facing in all parts of my life with greater ease, and less angst.
If you’re drawn to the outline of the programme on Claire’s website, and recognise yourself in the description she shares, I highly recommend signing up. I followed the pull I felt as I read the page six months ago and I’m so glad I followed my intuition!” Abbie, Leader, Partner Programmes
“Claire is a joy to work with and really helped me draw out some of the key issues I have been wrestling with not only in my career but also my personal life. She is incredibly intuitive with an amazing ability to help you pick out the most important topics from a list of discussion points. Claire also has fantastic empathy and emotional intelligence so I was able to open up quickly and have a very open and honest set of conversations which did me the world of good. The impact for me is I now recognise the value I add and feel confident bringing my true self into work and celebrating my strengths every day. I also now have a much better sense of purpose and am able to link my career development to this purpose to make it much more meaningful"
Richard Martin, Exec Services and Citrix Manager
"It was a complete pleasure to work with Claire and our time together was extremely productive from start to finish. Claire has very astute observational skills and strong intuition that led us to explore things I'd never thought or been aware of. Striking an excellent balance of supportive and challenging, Claire has helped me to gain clarity and confidence in my strengths and identify key areas to focus on. Over our time working together I've gained a much clearer sense of direction both in and outside work. As an example, Claire helped me with a big decision to take a year out to study for a Masters which has since taken my career in a new and exciting direction."
Rob Shorter, Communities and Education Lead, Doughnut Economics Action Lab