The Joyful Career Accelerator

Create clarity on your meaningful career path and move into action to make it real

Flexible eight-week one-to-one coaching offering. For in-house leaders, early-stage entrepreneurs and changemakers.

(Currently fully booked - places available from September 22)

The details in brief:

What: Initial 45-minute coaching session + eight weeks of unlimited virtual one-to-one coaching + curated exercises and resources specific to your journey + option for add on coaching sessions at a reduced rate

Where: Phone/Zoom for the first call and then Telegram (voice messaging app)

When: Initial coaching call between 9 – 5pm (UK) Monday - Friday + Leave a message anytime on Telegram (hear back from me within 2 days, usually sooner)

Who: Leaders, early-stage entrepreneurs and changemakers who want support on their leadership journey and path towards more meaningful work

Why: To provide bespoke support as you develop your leadership and meaningful career path, at an accessible price

How much: £250

Additional coaching sessions available at a special reduced rate of £120 for 50 minutes

If you are ready to book, you can do so here. Otherwise, the full details, including how the Telegram coaching works in practice, are below. Bookings now being taken for September 2022.

The details in full:

I’m excited to be offering this new way of working with me. But before I get into the nuts and bolts of how it works, here’s some brief background on why I am offering this up.

The events of the past two years have caused more of us than ever to look for more meaning in our (working) lives. This is what lies behind ‘the great resignation’.

But for most of us, walking off into the sunset and figuring out what meaningful work is, is not a realistic option. It’s something we need to do whilst working in our current role.  And if we aren’t working right now, it’s likely there is a degree of financial pressure to find the next role, project or client pretty fast.

But when you’re in back-to-back meetings and have 100+ emails landing in your inbox each day, it can be tricky to find the headspace to create clarity on what a more fulfilling career looks like. Before you know it, another job opportunity comes up. You apply because it seems like the sensible thing to do. But deep down you wonder if it is.

When life is busy, it is easy to fall into the trap of staying on a path that makes sense on paper, but that doesn’t make sense to your soul.

A career that lights you up is about knowing what you stand for. It involves having a compelling vision for your life and career, and a sense of purpose that pulls you towards fulfilling, rewarding work.

When you are tuned into that, the next step usually reveals itself, and you’ll be inspired to take regular, purposeful action.

But it isn’t a straight line.

As you move into action, whether that be applying for a sideways move that takes you towards your dream career, creating a new offering for your ideal clients if you’ve left your corporate role, or having a networking conversation with a new contact – there is no guarantee that it will be ‘a good, efficient use of time’ in the traditional sense.

It might be. You might get the new job and love it. You may have multiple sign-ups for your new offering. The new networking contact could become your new best friend who opens all kinds of doors for you.

But there are no guarantees.

You may not get the job you spent hours applying for. You might offer a service to your potential clients, and nobody signs up. You might breathe a sigh of relief once that networking conversation is over.

But whatever happens you will learn something by taking action. You will reveal something about yourself, and what the next step could be.

The path towards more meaningful work is usually more like a spiral than a straight line.

And this can hold us back from getting into action. After all, as humans we are drawn to the path of least resistance.

But once you do start – it’s unlikely you’ll regret it. It’s far more likely you’ll wish you had started sooner.

I have witnessed many of my clients’ careers transform as they have created greater clarity on what meaningful work is to them, and moved into inspired action. It has also underpinned my own career as I’ve moved towards increasingly meaningful work.

It is entirely possible to make this journey on your own. But it’s harder to get started and keep moving through the twists and turns involved, if you go it alone.

I am passionate about supporting more people to move towards work that brings them joy and fulfillment. When work feels like this, everyone wins. Our families, our organisations and our wider communities.

Which is why I am excited to be offering this new way of working with me…



Introducing: The Joyful Career Accelerator

The Joyful Career Accelerator offers eight weeks of one-to-one tailored support at an accessible price. It includes unlimited one-to-one ‘virtual’ coaching with me, as well as access to resources and exercises I use with my one-to-one and group coaching clients, specific to you and your needs.

The Joyful Career Accelerator could be a good fit for you if…

  • you feel consumed by your day-to-day working life, or are feeling generally lacklustre about your career, and want to create a pathway towards more meaningful work, either as an in-house leader or by moving out of your full-time corporate role. You are finding it hard to carve out time (and energy) to create clarity and take action.

  • you find it difficult to achieve balance between your home and work-life and want support in making sustainable changes to this.

  • You have clarity on what meaningful work is for you, but are struggling to stay motivated as you take action to make your plan happen. You get caught up in the day-to-day of your existing role and life beyond it, and your own career never seems to get to the top of your to-do list.

  • are new in role, or are soon to be promoted and want to hit the ground running and do a great job, but without it consuming the next six months of your life.

  • have been through training about growing your leadership, or have felt inspired by content online about moving into more meaningful work but are feeling stuck when it comes to putting what you’re learning into practice, and want support in moving through this.

  • You are currently not working or are impacted by a restructure, and want to take the opportunity to make your next role feel more meaningful than the last.

  • You have left your full-time corporate gig and are in the early stages of building your coaching or consultancy business, but it’s harder than you thought it would be to find clients and make a living. You don’t have the budget for an expensive coaching programme right now, and would appreciate a one-to-one structure to support you to help you find your mojo again.

  • You are new in a bigger role or freelance project that should feel more meaningful, but are feeling increasingly overwhelmed. You are noticing patterns of perfectionism and/or people-pleasing pop up, and your life outside of work is suffering as a result.

  • have attended one of my Zoom workshops or are working through my downloadable guide: Getting started with having more authentic conversations at work and would like some guidance/support as you implement what you are learning.

  • You would appreciate support on your journey. Moving towards more meaningful work can feel like a lonely business at times, and you don’t want to go it alone.



Three things you will have access to when you join The Joyful Career Accelerator

THING #1: Foundational One-to-One Coaching Session – 45-minutes (over Zoom or phone)

We will use our time together to get clear on where you are now, and what you want to achieve. We will also spend five minutes covering other practicalities related to our work together,  and then dive straight into some coaching.

You will walk away with clear next steps, specific to you and what you want to get from this programme.

THING #2: Unlimited Virtual One-to-One Coaching via Telegram (a walkie-talkie app)

This is the ‘main event’ of this programme.

Virtual coaching provides a bespoke, laser-focused structure to support you in getting clarity and moving into action. Here’s how virtual coaching works:

Step 1: You leave me a voice note.

You will have access to my support via Telegram (a voice app) where you leave me a voice note sharing whatever update feels important about your progress.

How you use the app will be very personal to you, and where you are in your journey, exactly as if we were working in ‘real-time’ one to one.

Here are some examples of how my clients have used this format:

  • You have completed an exercise I have provided on exploring your values and share your findings with me. You may feel stuck with part of it, or are ready to put what you are learning into practice.

  • If your focus is on being more proactive with your networking, you might leave me a message about how many meetings you have booked, and how the one you were feeling nervous about went.

  • An unexpected opportunity to apply for a new role arises, and you want some ‘just in time’ coaching on whether this would be a good next move for you, and how to approach a conversation with the recruiting manager.

  • You have an upcoming meeting with an important stakeholder, and want coaching on how you will approach it to have the impact you want to. This stakeholder is someone you find it tricky to ‘be yourself’ around.

Step 2: I reply

I will share a response as if we were speaking to one another live in a coaching session. I’ll offer a perspective for you to consider,  a question for you to explore or some other feedback based on what you’ve shared with me. 

My objective is to support you to stay focused and keep moving as you create clarity and take action towards more meaningful work for yourself.

There will always be learning available as you take action, regardless of the outcome.  My job as your coach is to support you in maintaining momentum and to ensure you ‘harvest’ the learning. It may inform the direction you are taking or reveal something about how you could see a situation differently. This ‘just in time’ support will smooth the bumps of the journey, and save you time and energy.

Step 3: You reply.

You share your response to my coaching question or feedback. And/or the next piece you would like to receive coaching on. And then I will respond again...

How soon will you hear back from me?

You are welcome to leave a message at any time of the day or night to suit your schedule. I check my Telegram messages once each working day, so you’ll hear back from me the same day or the following day. Working days for me are Monday - Friday, 9 - 5pm (UK), excluding UK public holidays.

The exception is when I am taking holiday, and I will let you know ahead when this is the case.

I tend to take holiday in one- or two-week chunks, and when I do, your access to the programme will be extended by the same amount of time. So, you will always have eight weeks of ‘actual’ access to me. 

How often can you message me?

You are welcome to message me as soon as I have responded to your last message. So, we could get into a rhythm of exchanging messages almost daily, if this feels helpful to you. Or you might decide to message me once a week as you complete the actions you have prioritised. We can make it work in line with your preferred pace. The virtual coaching format is intended to be flexible and easy to use if you have a busy schedule.

THING #3: Curated resources and exercises specific to your journey

Where it feels relevant and useful, I will provide you with resources and exercises to support your journey. We can then pick up on what you are learning and how this informs your progress through our virtual coaching.  For example, I may send you content and resources such as:

  • A recorded visualisation exercise to support you get clear on your sense of purpose

  • Journaling prompts to support you create a compelling vision for your life and career

  • A worksheet to help you identify what is most important to you in your working-life

  • Some questions to reflect on to help you uncover and reshape limiting beliefs

I may also point you to recommended content and resources developed by other thought-leaders relevant to where you are on your journey.

This is important: There is no shortage of content, books and exercises you could consume out there. The key is in taking action, aligned to what you are learning, which is where our coaching interactions come in. The benefit of having me by your side as you complete the exercises, or consume the content, is so you integrate what you are learning in real-life. This is how you will start to create the changes you want for yourself. 


“Having in-the-moment coaching support is invaluable as someone with a busy schedule and competing demands, both inside and outside of work. What Claire covers in her responses are specific to situations I am facing in ‘real-time’ so couldn’t be more bespoke. So far the virtual coaching has helped me to not only think through a key decision, but has also prompted powerful insights that have saved me considerable time and head-space in my current role. 

I love that Claire is now offering this format of coaching more widely. If you are time-strapped, with her by your side you can move towards greater confidence and meaningful work more easily. You are on the journey together!”  Sarah Da Veiga, Talent and Workforce Senior Manager



How much?

£250 for eight weeks support

Including all the support described above, including unlimited access to me via Telegram.

This is payable in full before we start our work together.

NB. The format of The Joyful Career Accelerator will evolve over time. I believe in learning by doing and creating in collaboration with my clients. So, if you would like to take advantage of this level of access at this price, I recommend signing up sooner rather than later.

Option of Additional One-to-One Zoom Coaching Sessions

I don’t anticipate that extra calls will be necessary, but it is an option available if you want it.

During the eight weeks of the programme, you can access one-to-one coaching with me, where we meet at an agreed time over Zoom, at a rate of £120 per 50-minute session. This is a reduced rate usually only reserved for my Drop-In Sessions.

You might decide to book a coaching session if you want my detailed feedback on a document, such as a redrafted CV, LinkedIn profile or website copy for a new client offer. In this example, I would not review anything ahead, but we would work off a shared screen during our time together. Or you might just prefer to speak to me in real-time about a particular challenge or opportunity you are facing. 

The Small Print

This programme is intended as a structure to help you explore the topic of meaningful work in ways you might not have done before, and/or as a ‘boost’ to move you into action. But the journey towards more meaningful work can be one of many twists and turns. The promise of this programme is not that you will have complete clarity and secure your dream job within eight weeks. It would be disingenuous of any coach to offer promises around outcomes in this way.

It is very possible that in eight weeks you could have far greater clarity than you do now. It is also very possible that you will achieve significant breakthroughs that elevate your leadership. Many of my clients have achieved more clarity on what they do and don’t want in a month working with me than they have in their entire careers to date. And some of them haven’t.

What I can promise is that for this eight-week period, I will serve you with the same commitment I offer my long-term coaching clients, and that my objective will be to support you to get the most from this programme.


I will trust that you are drawing on my support in a way that feels most useful for you. As your coach, it is not my job to ‘chase’ you. Rather it is to provide a robust structure on which you can draw, in order to create the outcomes you want for yourself. During our initial call we can agree together how you would like me to prompt you if you ‘go quiet.’


Our virtual coaching sessions over Telegram are for coaching conversations that do not require me to look at a computer screen. If you wish to get my detailed feedback on specific documents, for example on a redrafted CV, LinkedIn profile or copy for your new website, please see the notes above re the option for additional Zoom coaching sessions.


Resources that I have authored are for your personal use only and copyright law applies. They cannot be shared, copied, adapted or used in any other way without my written permission.


How do I join?

You can pay and book your initial 45-minute coaching call here:

Once you join, you will receive prompts on the confirmation email to support your preparation for the programme, including getting set up on Telegram.

You will see a number of time slots available. I have capacity for up to 2 new bookings per month for this offering. Once that number is reached, the booking link will be closed for now.

The eight-weeks virtual coaching access will commence from the date of our initial call.

Here are the details in brief again:

What: Initial 45-minute coaching session + eight weeks of unlimited virtual one-to-one coaching + curated exercises and resources specific to your journey + option for add on coaching sessions at a reduced rate

Where: Phone/Zoom for the first call and then Telegram (voice messaging app)

When: Initial coaching call between 9 – 5pm (UK) Monday - Friday + Leave a message anytime on Telegram (hear back from me within 2 days, usually sooner)

Who: Leaders, early-stage entrepreneurs and changemakers who want support on their leadership journey and path towards more meaningful work

Why: To provide bespoke support as you develop your leadership and meaningful career path, at an accessible price

How much: £250

Additional coaching sessions available at a special reduced rate of £120 for 50 minutes


Unsure if this is the best offering for you?

You can book a free consultation call here.

You can read about the other ways of accessing my support here.