One-to-one coaching programmes for self-funding leaders and entrepreneurs

This option could be a good fit for you if you wish to access in-depth ‘behind the scenes’ support independent of your employer. Perhaps you are not able to access sponsorship from them for coaching. Or it may be it doesn’t feel like the right time to ask. My one-to-one programmes are tailored to your individual needs, but reading the page about my group coaching programme will give you a sense of my approach and the kind of outcomes you can expect.

I also work one-to-one with heart-led women entrepreneurs who want unleash their authentic voice in their marketing and offerings. These programmes are tailored to where you are in your journey, and can include a blend of coaching, mentoring and having my eyes directly on your copy and offerings.

If you would like to explore working in this way with me, you can book an alignment call here. To give you an idea of the investment involved, a four-month structured coaching programme starts at £2000 plus VAT (@20%).

Please note my rates for employer-sponsored coaching are higher. If your organisation will be funding your coaching, you can read more about this way of working here.