The Drop-In


A chance to receive my support, with no ongoing commitment

One-off one-to-one coaching sessions for in-house leaders, early-stage entrepreneurs and changemakers

The details in brief:

What: 50-minute coaching sessions with no ongoing commitment required

Where: Phone or Zoom

When: Up to 6 time slots on offer a month between 9am and 5pm (UK), Mon-Fri

Who: Anyone who wants more joy, ease and meaning in their (working) life

Why: To make high quality career and leadership coaching more accessible to self-funding in-house leaders and early-stage entrepreneurs

How much? £120 per session

Please note: This offering is currently closed. To receive priority access to the booking link when it re-opens, please email me at

The details in full:

Why am I offering these sessions?

I believe high quality career and leadership coaching shouldn’t just be for the chosen few, as it is in many organisations. However, the alternative of investing in one-to-one support on your journey, is not something that everyone is ready or able to do, without the financial backing of their employer.

In recent years I have partnered a number of forward-thinking organisations to provide ‘drop-in’ coaching: my diary is made available to their people, and anyone can book a session with me. Whilst I believe that the most powerful change is created by working in a coaching relationship over time, I also know that small yet powerful shifts are possible through these types of sessions. Wherever I have run them, word has spread and they have ‘sold out.’

So in addition to offering this format to organisations, I am experimenting with making this available as an open-access offering.

My intention is to give people who are new to investing in themselves, or who haven’t experienced working with me, the opportunity to do so at an affordable price.


 Introducing: The Drop-in Sessions

Drop-in sessions are 50-minute, one-to-one coaching or mentoring sessions held over zoom or the phone.

You might use your Drop-in session to…

…receive some ‘behind the scenes’ support with a challenge you are facing in your current role and receive coaching to help you move forward and resolve it in a way that feels authentic

…get clearer on what the next step is on your path towards more meaningful work, whether that be within your current corporate career or as you create a pathway out, so you feel more energised and inspired to take action

Or, perhaps you simply want to experience working with me without needing to commit to a longer-term programme.

A drop-in session could be a good fit if you:

  • are feeling generally lacklustre about your career and would like some support as you explore and move towards what more meaningful work could be for you

  • have left your corporate role and are early in your entrepreneurial or freelance journey, and are finding it harder that you thought to get your business off the ground

  • are new in role, or are soon to be promoted and want to hit the ground running and do a great job, but without it consuming the next six months of your life

  • have been through some training about growing your leadership, or have felt inspired by content online about moving into more meaningful work but are feeling stuck when it comes to putting what you’re learning into practice, and want support in moving through this

  • have attended one of my Zoom workshops or are working through my downloadable guide: Getting started with having more authentic conversations at work and would like some guidance/support as you implement what you are learning

  • are experiencing difficulty with achieving balance between your home and work-life and want support in making sustainable changes to how this feels

  • have a particular situation arising at work, for example a presentation, meeting or interview, that is taking up a lot of your head-space and you would like to feel differently about it

  • are finding a particular working relationship tricky to navigate and would appreciate a confidential space to explore how you could handle it

  • are struggling with the leadership challenges related to the pandemic, be it leading a team remotely or dealing with the unprecedented challenges of delivering key services to customers

  • are becoming increasingly aware of patterns of thinking and behaviour that are having a negative impact on your experience of work and life beyond it, and would like support on how you can move beyond these

  • have worked with me previously, would appreciate my support again, but are not in a position to commit to a longer-term coaching programme

  • are considering a career in coaching or are a newly trained coach and would like to ‘pick my brains’ (ask me anything!) about the realities of establishing and growing your own successful coaching business as you develop your own plans

How Drop-In sessions differ from my usual one-to-one work

  1. No commitment required; you can sign-up for one session only, or, you can sign up for additional sessions as wanted/needed. It is entirely up to you.

  2. There is no ongoing contact between sessions as there is in my other coaching offerings. The only exception is if there is a resource I recommend as a useful follow up for you, I will email the details if I can’t remember the specifics in the moment during our session.

  3. When you book, I will offer a couple of questions to help you prepare so you can get the most from our time together, but I won’t read anything that you send me ahead. I’m offering these sessions as a way to make one-to-one work with me more accessible, whilst also honouring the value of my time.

  4. I may not be video ready; I will usually be offering these sessions on days when I am not doing any other client-facing work. So there’s a good chance I may turn up in my Stranger Things hoody and no make-up :) If you feel that is unprofessional, then me and these sessions are probably not for you.

  5. The investment is £120 GBP per session. My one-to-one non-corporate individual rates are more than double that, and my corporate rates more than double that again in most cases. I am offering this price to lower the risk for you, if you have not experienced working with me previously.

  6. There will be a maximum of 6 Drop-in Sessions available per month and depending on my schedule, often less. They are only available at the times shown on the booking page, and once they are gone they are gone.

  7. There is a no refund policy; If you haven’t experienced my coaching before, please make sure you have checked out my home page, philosophy page and watched a couple of my YouTube videos before booking. Coming along to one of my no-charge or low-charge workshops will also give you a good sense of my approach. I am not for everyone, so please only book if my philosophy resonates with you.

  8. Once you’ve booked your session, the time cannot be changed: this policy is in place to honour the value of my time, and to support you in making your own development a priority. I offer my one-to-one long-term clients more flexibility than this, but this is the deal for this offer at this price.


 In summary, for Drop-In sessions, you simply choose your appointment time, pay for the session, and then we connect at our appointment time. Simple. You can book here.

The details in brief again:

What: Drop-In sessions – 50 minute coaching sessions at times when I may or may not be in my joggers :)

Where: Phone or Zoom

When: Up to 6 time-slots on offer a month between 9am and 5pm (UK)

Who: Leaders and aspiring leaders who want more joy, ease and meaning in their (working) life, and who haven’t worked with me in a coaching relationship over time before

Why: to make high quality career and leadership coaching more accessible to self-funding in-house leaders and early-stage entrepreneurs

How much? £120 per session

Unsure if this is the best offering for you?

You can book a free consultation call here.

You can read about the other ways of accessing my support here.


 A note of acknowledgement:

This offering is inspired by the Puttering Sessions of my mentor, Tad Hargrave.
