The Joyful Career Incubator

A chance to receive ongoing support from me, as you create your meaningful career

Flexible ongoing coaching offering. For in-house leaders, early-stage entrepreneurs and changemakers

This offering has been inspired by a growing number of my one-to-one clients asking for ongoing support, beyond their initial coaching programme with me.

I’m going to keep this page as brief as possible, because if you’re reading this, we already know each other well. But I would like to share a little more context before I get into the detail of how this offering works.

When we completed our work together, we will have explored what support you were putting in place for yourself to maintain momentum. You might have decided to set up a buddy relationship with a co-worker, or perhaps you found a new mentor, or asked your line manager for more regular coaching time on your development plan. You may have simply scheduled an appointment with yourself every couple of weeks, to ensure that you continue to slow down, reflect and take inspired action as you move toward ever more meaning and joy in your career.

I believe that personal development is not a solo sport, and this is why I encourage all of my clients to consider who will support them, and what structures they will put in place to ensure that their progress continues once our work together has completed.

The good news is that many of my clients write to me, sometimes every six months or so, and share how their journey is continuing to unfold in a way that feels just right for them. I always love reading these updates.

But it might be that despite your best intentions, you find it tricky to carve out time for yourself. Perhaps the support you have access to isn’t creating the same kind of results as our work together did. Perhaps you would just like my company on your journey again, or we are finishing our initial programme of work together and you want to continue working with me over the longer-term.

The twists and turns involved in moving towards ever more meaning in our (working) lives can feel like a lonely business at times, and maybe you don’t want to go it alone.

This offer is intended to make accessing support from me an affordable, viable option should you wish to work with me over the longer-term.

Please note: This programme is only on offer to you if we have already worked together in a coaching relationship over time - either sponsored by your employer, or through a self-funded coaching programme, including my eight-week one-to-one programme: The Joyful Career Accelerator.



Introducing: The Joyful Career Incubator

The Joyful Career Incubator comprises one-to-one access to me, alongside optional group coaching calls. There are three different options available depending on the level of support you require.

The Joyful Career Incubator could be a good fit for you if…

  • You have started to create a pathway to more meaningful work, either as an in-house leader, or by moving away from your full-time corporate career, and would appreciate a structure and my ongoing support as you continue to take action to reach your goals.

  • You are in a role or a freelance gig that should feel more meaningful but are feeling increasingly overwhelmed. You are noticing patterns of perfectionism and/or people-pleasing pop up, and your life outside of work is suffering as a result.

  • You struggle to prioritise your own career development; you get caught up in the day-to-day of your role and would appreciate support to help you move towards more meaning in your working-life.

  • You have left your full-time corporate gig and are in the early stages of building your coaching or consultancy business, but it is harder than you thought it would be to find clients and make a living. You don’t have budget for an expensive coaching programme and would appreciate a structure to help you stay on track after our initial period of work together.

  • You are in transition and would appreciate medium to long term support as you continue to look for and begin your next role or freelance project.

  • You have a particular ongoing challenge at work, for example a tricky working relationship or frustrating politics, and would appreciate the support of an experienced guide as you navigate the situation and deepen into the learning available as you do so.

  • You have been reading self-help books and following content that inspires you online as you continue on your path towards more meaning, but when it comes to putting what you’re learning into practice you get stuck. You want your career and life beyond it to feel different, and would like some support to make that happen more quickly, and with less false-starts.



Three things you will have access to when you join The Joyful Career Incubator

There are different levels of support available at different levels of investment, comprising the following components:

THING #1: Virtual one-to-one coaching via Telegram (a walkie-talkie app)

Virtual coaching provides a bespoke, powerful, laser-focused structure to support your journey. Here’s how virtual coaching works:

Step 1: You leave me a voice note.

You will have access to my support via Telegram (a voice app) where you leave me a voice note sharing whatever update feels important to you about your progress.

How you use the app will be very personal to you, and where you are in your journey, exactly as if we were working in ‘real-time’ one to one.

Here are some examples of how my clients have used this format:

  • You are keen to get more involved with a particular project, aligned to your desired career direction, that until now your boss has taken the lead on. You want some coaching on how to approach the conversation with him.

  • You want to build your network as you prepare to leave your full-time role, and struggle to prioritise this as a regular activity. You use the virtual coaching structure to help keep you moving, and receiving coaching on how you will approach a particular person you would love to have in your network.

  • You are a new solopreneur and have the opportunity through a contact to pitch for some work with an organisation you admire. You use the virtual coaching channel as you formulate your approach.

  • An unexpected opportunity to apply for a new role arises, and you want some coaching on whether this would be a good next move for you, and how to approach a conversation with the recruiting manager. 

  • You feel overwhelmed and ready to give up on your career dream. You want to be supported as you move through the difficult emotions you are experiencing. You want to be listened to, without anyone trying to ‘fix it’.

Step 2: I reply

I will share a response as I would if we were speaking to one another live in a coaching session. I will offer a perspective for you to consider, or a question for you to explore. I may offer some other feedback based on what you’ve shared with me.

Step 3: You reply.

You share your response to my coaching question or feedback.

How often do we do these? 

The frequency of our virtual coaching interactions in will depend on the level of support you opt for: You’ll have access once a month, three times a month or as many times as you wish.

Whichever option you choose, I will trust that you are drawing on my support in a way that feels most useful for you. As your coach, it is not my job to ‘chase’ you. Rather it is to provide a robust structure on which you can draw, in order to create the outcomes you want for yourself. If you know you are likely to ‘go quiet’ if you are struggling, we can agree how you would like me to support you ‘resurface.’


How soon will you hear back from me?

I check my Telegram messages once a day and will respond within 2 working days, but usually sooner. Working days for me are Monday - Friday 9 - 5pm (UK), excluding UK public holidays. In most cases I will respond to you within a day.

The exception is when I am taking holiday, and I will let you know ahead when this is the case.

THING #2: Monthly group coaching call over zoom (90 minutes, dates are here)

Monthly group coaching with other like-minded leaders and changemakers to support your ongoing development. 

  • Each call you’ll be invited to share your wins, to support you build on the progress you are making

  • The format beyond that will be Q & A, with you bringing questions and challenges you are facing to the call. I will either coach you, or offer more of a mentoring approach, depending on the topic and what feels most useful for you.

  • How often you choose to join these calls is up to you, but they are a chance to get feedback not only from me but other like-minded folks on a similar journey. This is something that people are consistently feeding back to me that they value highly in my online open workshops and group coaching programmes.

  • There will be rich learning available in the group calls, not only from being coached on the topics you bring, but also from what the other participants bring to the call. I will draw on models we will have explored during our initial programme of work together and introduce new ones as I respond to what people bring to the sessions.

  • I will support everyone get clear on what they are personally taking from the call, and what their next steps are.

  • The call will run for 90 minutes. If only two or three people show up for the call, we may finish sooner if everyone has received what they want from our time together. To start with there will be one call on offer each month. Dates will always be available 6 months in advance here.

  • As the numbers grow, I will offer additional call times, so that the group size allows for an interactive session.

THING #3: One-to-one coaching (over zoom or phone) – NB This is not included in all options of membership

Depending on the level of membership you choose, you will have access to ‘real time’ coaching with me over Zoom or the phone.

  • You can choose to use this at the start of the programme, or you can save the session(s) for when you would prefer to access my support in ‘real-time.’ For example, if you have an interview or other key event coming up.

  • I will provide you with a booking link with a wide range of times and dates to choose from. Each session will be for 50-minutes.

  • The number of sessions you have access to will depend on the level of support you choose.


How much?

There are three options to choose from depending on the level of support you wish to receive, and there is a minimum commitment of six months to join.

There is also the option to pay in full for twelve months on joining, which includes a discount of the equivalent of at least one month’s membership.

Option 1: £275 per month (or £3000 for a year, saving £300)


  • 3 x individual coaching sessions in each 6-month period

  • Monthly group coaching call

  • Unlimited virtual coaching access

Option 2: £125 per month (or £1375 for a year, saving £125)


  • One individual coaching session every six months

  • Monthly group coaching call

  • Virtual coaching access three times a month

Option 3: £65 per month (or £700 for a year, saving £80)

  • Monthly group coaching call

  • Virtual coaching access once a month

Important note: These prices are for self-funding leaders only. If you intend on asking your employer to fund your place, please let me know.  I will provide you with my organisational rates for this offering, based on the sector you work in. 


How do I join?

Email me at if you are interested in joining.

  • If it has been a while since we worked together, we’ll have a 30-minute call to explore what you want to get from the programme and to check that working with me is still a good fit for your ongoing journey.

  • If we’re good to go, payment is monthly on the 1st of the month, or payment up-front if you choose the 12-month option.

  • I ask for a minimum commitment of six-months, and that you give me one months’ notice in writing on email when you wish to leave the programme.

  • It is likely I will increase the price for this offering over the coming years as my business model evolves. For the first 12 people who join, the price you join at is the price you will pay for the first 12 months should you wish to stay long-term. After that initial period, you are welcome to stay but the price will be aligned to the current rate at that time.

  • Joining this programme in its early stages could have additional benefits. For example, you’ll receive closer support from me in the group calls than I’ll be able to provide as the numbers grow.

Here are all the details in brief:

What: Virtual One-to-One coaching + Monthly Group Coaching + One-to-One Coaching over Zoom/Phone (options 2 and 3)
Where: Telegram and Zoom/Phone
When: Individual coaching sessions between 9 – 5pm UK to suit your schedule  + group call once a month (schedule for the next six months is here).
Who: Leaders, early-stage entrepreneurs and changemakers seeking ongoing support following an initial coaching programme with me.
Why: To provide ongoing support to people as they develop their meaningful careers.

How much? Either £275, £125 or £65 a month with a six-month commitment required to join. Discount available for a twelve-month commitment paid up front.

To apply to join, please email me at and we can schedule a time to speak.


If we have not worked together before, my eight-week offering - The Joyful Career Accelerator - may be a good way to get started. All the details are here.