One way to feel less frustrated and overwhelmed

I can see a lot of inspiring stuff being shared on social media & the news right now in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak.

And I’m also noticing something else:

A lot of judgement.

Labelling of some people's responses as wrong.

Some people's behaviour being called disgusting.

Stories being told online of 'ridiculous' people who should calm down.

And when these stories are shared, the judgement magnifies. It reaches more of us.

As human beings, we are all having unique responses to what is happening, and we have responsibilities to ourselves and one other.

And the responses we are seeing that are less than desirable are also HUMAN. Including the judgement.

All of it represents the full, imperfect, messy, terrifying range of what we are capable of as a species.

This is what happens when we are threatened. And we are not all equipped to respond in the same way. Some people are terrified and all they are capable of doing is acting on what they feel they have control over.

That might be buying more loo roll and pasta than they need. Because they are afraid.

I’m not saying it is OK, or acceptable, or right, or that it should be allowed. I am saying it is human.

I have noticed my own judgement of others in recent days literally sucking the life out of me. When I focus on these things and allow the judgement to run free, it depletes me.

And then I am less able to have the impact I want to have. On my family, my friends, my clients, my community.

So I’m trying a different way of looking at things.

This is a perspective (not 'the truth') and I offer it with no judgement if you see things differently:

What if everyone is doing their best?

However ugly their best may seem to us.

How would it be if when we don’t see/hear what we expect or want from others, we choose to believe they are a human being doing the best they can right now.

From that place, we can then respond in a way that serves the impact we want to have on the world at this time.

We will say something that is more helpful, compassionate and powerful. We may feel moved to share something that we feel needs to be said.

Try it and see.

And whatever you do, don’t judge yourself when you fail (and judge others).

Our judgement is also human. Mine led me to write this.

19th March 2020

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Claire Mackinnon