How are you resourcing yourself?

Each morning when I wake, for just a few seconds, I forget what is happening.

And then I remember.

My default is to reach for my phone to check the news, before even saying good morning to my husband. Then I greet him with the latest update on the virus.

Poor guy.

I’m discovering by trial and error what makes the difference between the day feeling hard or not.

And when I check my phone first it pretty much guarantees a hard day.

This past week I’ve worked with clients who are leading large teams in schools, food retail and global pharmaceuticals. The topic of ‘what can I do to resource myself right now’ has come up a lot.

You are likely dealing with unprecedented challenges and ways of working, and you may have a lot of people looking to you for support and guidance. On top of that you are either cooped up at home or out with your people supporting them a they deliver essential services.

As a leader, resourcing yourself first is a crucial discipline.

I don’t like the word discipline. It feels rigid to me. It means I HAVE to do something. But the truth is that if we don’t find ways to resource ourselves then we are less able to lead others in the way we want to.

So discipline is the right word. Because it is something that must happen. To avoid us burning ourselves out and spiralling into fear and overwhelm. It is more important now than ever.

Here are 5 simple ways you can resource yourself, plucked from my own recent experience and the perspectives my clients have shared with me recently:

 1) Be intentional with the first five minutes of your day. Avoid checking the news or social media first. It is a tough one to crack because our brains are wired to look for threat. Actively choose to do something that gets you feeling good instead. It might be gratitude practice, exercise, dancing, meditation, journalling, setting intentions for your day. Whatever you choose sets the tone for the day.

2) This exercise may help if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed. You can do it first thing in the morning and/or throughout the day. It helps get you centred, within one minute.

Take a deep breath.

Notice 5 things you can see

Notice 4 things you can hear

Notice 3 things you can feel

Notice 2 smells you can smell

Notice 1 thing you can taste

It literally changes your brain chemistry so that you can continue with your day feeling calmer and more grounded.

3) Listen to a song that uplifts you. Or dance/unload the dishwasher/tidy up your kids toys to it. Music is scientifically proven to alleviate stress and promote good health all round. My favourite song right now is Feel by Robbie Williams. I’m dancing to it most mornings and it lifts my spirits. Thankyou Robbie.

4) Watch or listen to something each day that makes you laugh till it hurts. A three-minute clip will do it. Laughter is clinically proven to have a powerful and positive effect on physical, emotional and social health and wellbeing. My medicine is Ricky Gervais presenting the Golden Globes.

5) Ruthlessly prioritise. It is OK to feel less productive during a global pandemic. This is normal and to be expected so keep your list tight. Focus on one thing at a time, and avoid jumping between email/messages/social media. It costs energy every time you switch between tasks and the aim here is to conserve energy for what is truly most important.

I’d love to hear how these tips land with you. Email me at with your questions, comments and reflections.

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Claire Mackinnon