The Joyful Visibility Incubator

Stop hiding, and have the impact you long to, in ways that feel nourishing, sustainable and joyful to you

A new one-to-one offering for heart-led women entrepreneurs and changemakers

Two spaces at the special beta price

Commencing September 2024

Dear friend,

I’m excited to share the details of this new one-to-one offering!

The Joyful Visibility Incubator is for women entrepreneurs and changemakers, who want the process of becoming more visible to be a nourishing, sustainable and joyful one. 

If you'd welcome my close support as you take your work out into the world - at a never to be repeated beta price - this could be for you.

The letter below shares the details. If it resonates, get in touch at or book an alignment call here. There are only two places at the beta price, and they will be allocated first come, first served.

This could be a good fit for you if:

  • You have begun the journey of putting your work into the world as a coach, consultant, healer, teacher, helper or changemaker. You may have had moments of inspiration where being visible felt good, but more often it depletes you. 

  • You want to attract more clients and like-souled collaborators, and create a business that financially supports the vision you have for your life beyond your work, but you frequently experience resistance when it comes to speaking and writing about your work.

  • You are inconsistent with your marketing. You are stuck in a cycle of sharing your content and offerings with others, and hiding. You might be busying yourself with ‘behind the scenes’ activities [e.g. updating your website]. Or your content creation and networking activity is sporadic. It might be you’re trying to do too many marketing activities and not doing any of them with regularity.

  • You shy away from sharing the opinions and insights you most want to voice, or you struggle to articulate them in a way that your ideal clients ‘get’ and that you feel good about. You keep going, but you are simultaneously hiding much of what you believe. Your sense is that there are other ways to connect with potential clients that might feel more alive and impactful - more direct conversations with potential collaborators for example - but that’s even more nerve-wracking than drafting yet another social media post.

  • You have a sense of your niche - who you serve, what you help them with and why - even if this is still emerging. You are likely still experimenting with the words you use to speak/write about it, but you have at least one offering, and are working with clients. 

  • Your work is soul/heart-led. You are tired of mainstream definitions of success and power, and are likely recovering from sustained periods of overworking. You may still be caught in those patterns. Despite leaving full-time employment, it may feel as though you have an overbearing (inner) boss. You want to find a way of being in business that truly aligns with your soul’s longings. A pace that feels sweet and right. You are done with the hustle.

  • You want to feel less alone on your entrepreneurial journey. It takes courage to take our offerings out into the world; it can feel vulnerable, and the the idea of receiving close support with your marketing, is calling to you.

What is it?

A five-week one-to-one programme to help you take concrete soul-aligned actions to connect with more ideal clients and collaborators. Together we will create gentle momentum in your business, with a focus on establishing the rhythms that will serve you and your work for years to come.

This bespoke offering weaves in whichever of my skills serve your journey right now, whether it be coaching, mentoring, copy-editing, or copywriting.

Yes! Part of the support can include me writing for you or with you. I love supporting other women release their words and work into the world, and am skilled at turning vague, nebulous ideas into writing that resonates.

You'll have the opportunity to be witnessed, held, lovingly challenged and supported by someone walking this path alongside you. This offering is borne of embodied wisdom and lived experience of marketing my own work. We are not supposed to do this alone.

Example outcomes we could co-create include:

  • Designing and offering an introductory workshop that builds your network, calls people to your work, and helps them understand whether you and they could be a good fit - a workshop you love delivering (and want to deliver time and time again!)

  • Creating and sharing a new signature offering, to bolster your current business model

  • Creating and posting content on your social media channel of choice in ways that feel good to you

  • Starting and sharing a regular newsletter to connect with your ideal people

  • Practicing meaningful one-to-one networking that leads to new business, connection, and joy in your business life

NB: This is not an exhaustive list, and I will support you to choose one area of focus that feels nourishing, yet challenging.

How will it work?

You will have access to 11 hours of my support across a maximum of 5 weeks, beginning in early September 24.

We will allocate the first hour to a coaching call to set the foundations for our work together.

In that call, we'll clarify your focus for the programme, and the shifts you want to create in how you market your work.

How the remaining 10 hours of support can be utilised is down to you, and will be borne of your desires, goals and preferred ways of working. For example, you may welcome a 3-hour intensive session with me, where we create a workshop outline, and the accompanying invitation from start to finish. You may prefer to work piecemeal - sending me your ideas for content - and receiving suggested edits via Google Docs or voice note. You may prefer regular, twice or once-weekly coaching or co-working sessions to keep you on track. We will design this together, when we speak for our first session, and allow the process to unfold.

The only ‘rule’ is that the hours must be used within 5 weeks of our start date in September, to support you create the momentum and results you desire!

My intention is that this container marries solid structure, with exquisite energetic and practical support, in service of you and your work.


£777 + UK VAT (20%) [If you are based outside the UK and paying through your business, UK VAT will most likely not apply.]

Payment plans are available on request.

This price is significantly lower than my comparable bespoke programmes.


To reflect the reciprocity of you saying yes to this fledgling offering as it finds its wings in the world. My experience of serving you will shape this offering, what it wants to become, how I will communicate about it, and how much the investment will be in the future.

This is new. While I have ​numerous testimonials​ about my coaching and mentoring work, I have not integrated my business writing skills into my paid offerings until now. It feels right in my soul to offer this discount as I do so for the first time [it’s also how I nudge my creative saboteurs out of the way. Part of my own approach to Joyful Visibility.]

If you are interested in this offering, please email me at or book an alignment call directly here. We’ll check our fit in a 30-45 minute free, no obligation call, and I can answer any questions you have.

Thanks for reading this far :)

With love ,


P.S. If you aren’t seeking one-to-one support right now, but would welcome some nourishing group energy, there are seats available at ​August’s writing circle: on Thursday 15th August at 9am (1am Pacific) and 6.30pm UK (10.30am Pacific). Full details and sign up ​here.

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