Joyful Visibility Creativity Circle

An intimate group space to explore and unleash your authentic voice

For heart-led women leaders, entrepreneurs and changemakers

£15 per seat, only eight seats per session (over Zoom). Upcoming dates:

Thursday September 19th

Thursday October 17th

Thursday 14th November

9:00 - 10.30 AM UK time | or | 6:30 - 8:00 PM UK time

I’m excited to offer this monthly space for heart-led women leaders, entrepreneurs and changemakers!

The premise of this new offering in one sentence: when we find ways of becoming more visible that feel joyful, authentic and nourishing to us, everyone in our orbit wins. I call this Joyful Visibility.

If you are curious about writing as a healing, empowering creative practice that connects us with ourselves, our authentic voice, and the experience of being alive, read on!

If you sense, and know, and feel deep in your body, that bringing more of yourself, more of your words, more of your creative heart and soul into your everyday life and leadership, is what you’re supposed to do - wherever you work, whatever you do for a living - this could be for you!

Why a Creativity Circle?

To cultivate our capacity to bring forward, express, and create what we truly wish to contribute, we need safe spaces of non-judgement where we can practice sharing our voice, our experiences, and our creations.

Places where people are looking at us beyond typical analysis and critique.

This makes us feel seen. Our nervous systems calm. Energy is freed to create. This enables us to follow our souls' callings in our lives and leadership.

This new offering marries two deeply healing formats I've experienced on my own journey of creative reclamation and soul-centred leadership:

A Women’s Circle

Where we are seen and heard exactly as we are, with no need to perform or impress. We simply share our experiences and are listened to and witnessed in those experiences. We are inspired and nourished by one another’s presence.

Creative Writing Exploration

Using writing prompts, playing with poetry, and exploring journaling techniques to connect more deeply with our creative selves, untold stories, and hidden depths.

Joining could be a nourishing, empowering and transformative experience if:

  • You are taking your work and voice into the world as a leader, coach, consultant, healer, teacher, or changemaker. You have had moments where sharing your opinions and or offerings has felt enlivening, but more often it depletes you. 

  • You are inconsistent with your marketing and/or networking. You are stuck in a cycle of ‘showing up’ and hiding. 

  • You shy away from sharing the opinions and insights you most want to voice, or you struggle to articulate them in a way that you feel good about

  • You sense you are a creative person but hold back on bringing your ideas forward. You look at others who seem to do this effortlessly and envy them. At times you overcome resistance through sheer willpower, but that approach isn’t sustainable.

  • You have a journaling or creative writing habit, or are drawn to the idea. Writing in private helps you sort through thoughts and feelings. You would welcome a space to experiment with writing as a healing, private, creative practice alongside other like-souled women.

  • You want to attract more clients and/or like-souled collaborators, and create a career or business that financially supports the vision you have for your life beyond your work. 

  • Your work is soul-led, or you want it to be. You are tired of mainstream definitions of success and power, and are likely recovering from sustained periods of overworking. You want to find a pace that feels sweet and right. You are done with the hustle. 

What is the format?

  • After some introductions and scene-setting, I’ll offer a creative writing prompt or exercise. We will take some time to explore it individually, whilst still connected on Zoom, but in quiet with our cameras off. 

  • We’ll then come back together, and I’ll invite people to share. You may wish to read aloud what you’ve written, or part of it. You may prefer to share what the exercise has touched in you, what you are taking from the experience. You may prefer to just listen to others. There is no right or wrong.

  • As someone shares, the group will give her our full presence and attention, with no critique or technical feedback offered. This is also an advice-free zone, unless someone specifically requests it.

  • This is not about ‘writing well’ or ‘becoming published’ (though it is very possible you may feel inspired to share some of what you write outside the calls!). It is about creative writing as a transformative, healing practice, that can empower all parts of our lives and work.

What outcomes can I expect?

This will be very personal to you. I am not a fan of overhyped, tightly-defined outcomes when it comes to personal transformation. So instead, I will simply share what my experience has been:

  • In spaces like this, I have felt seen, acknowledged and resourced to go on and share my writing, voice and offerings in public with greater ease and flow. 

  • Over the years, this has supported me to grow my business and impact, and create financial stability for me and my family, in ways that feel sustainable and joyful. It has felt more and more possible share more of me in all parts of my working and creative life, which has been liberating.

  • I have dropped the rules on what the experts tell me I should do to grow my impact, and become clearer on how I wish to live and lead. I have become more able to discern when it is sweet and right to go inwards and take ‘visibility breaks’ - allowing time, space and emotional energy for longer-term, non-work related creative projects that have made me feel more and more alive.

  • Through my creative writing practice I have rediscovered the joy of making something, for its own sake. Not to perform, or achieve, or impress - but creating something small and ordinary and beautiful for the pure satisfaction of doing so. This has supported me untangle my identity from work ‘being everything’, and reminded me of my inherent worth as a human.

Perhaps more than anything, sharing space with other women on this journey - spaces where we offer one another unconditional support - has been soul-nourishing and joyful in and of itself. I have been deeply inspired and exquisitely supported by their presence. They have become friends, and soul-sisters and collaborators as we have taken our work out into the world.

Over time, this kind of experience can empower us in all kinds of ways that are impossible to quantify, as we deal with the external obstacles (and internalised beliefs) we face as women, and embody the change we want to see in the world.

Other Logistics

  • Duration: 90-minutes with a comfort break built into the private writing time.

  • Capacity: Only eight seats per session for an intimate experience.

  • Platform: Zoom, with cameras on for interactive parts of the session to create group safety. Please be sure you can stay for the whole 90-minutes and join from a private space where you can speak freely and enjoy uninterrupted ‘you’ time. Please note - our calls will not be recorded.

  • Frequency: My intention is to offer this space each month, and the invitation is to join as often as you like. Each month the prompt/exercise will be different!

    Tickets are £15 and you can book your seat for September, 17th October and/or 14th November below. Click the button, then select the date and your preferred time of either 9am or 6.30pm (UK).

Do let me know if you have any questions at all at I hope to see you there!  

With love and creativity,


P.S. If the October and November dates don’t work for you, but you wish to join a future month’s circle, drop me a note to let me know at and I will send you a priority booking link for December.

P.P.S My work supports leaders and entrepreneurs create greater joy, ease and purpose in their (working) lives. To explore working with me one-to-one, you can book a free alignment call here.

The Joyful Visibility Incubator, a new one-to-one offering, is also open for enrollment. A five-week one-to-one programme for women entrepreneurs, who want the process of becoming more visible to be a nourishing, sustainable and joyful one. At a very special beta price, all the details here.

To receive occasional emails with updates on future offerings, sign up to receive my email updates here.