

Claire’s approach is rooted in more than 20 years’ experience as a senior commercial and HR leader across financial services, retail and the not-for-profit sectors.

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Claire has successfully led teams in a variety of contexts including field leadership roles with P & L responsibility, strategy development, centralised customer operations and at Director level she led the HR and OD related work-streams for one of the largest mergers the UK’s Social Housing sector has seen. Combined with her musical background and ongoing creative pursuits as an international performer, Claire brings a fresh, authentic and creative approach to her coaching and facilitation, enabling people to access new levels of awareness and create transformational shifts in their leadership.

As a coach and facilitator, Claire has worked with hundreds of leaders in banking, technology, retail, management consulting, music and TV as well as entrepreneurs in small start-ups.

Claire’s style is frequently described as brave, warm, inspiring, creative and intuitive.  

Through her coaching work she enables leaders to:

  • Bring more of their authentic selves into their leadership and develop greater awareness of their impact

  • Develop more meaningful and productive relationships and embrace conflict to deepen connection and create innovation

  • Become more courageous in their pursuit of results, enabling them to become true influencers in their organisations and beyond

  • Achieve greater balance between different parts of their life, enabling sustainable performance

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 Education and Credentials

•  Certified practitioner of the Leadership Circle Profile - 360 Assessment for Leaders, Managers & Teams

•  Graduate of CTI’s Co-Active Leadership Programme

•  CTI Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC)

•  International Coaching Federation (ICF) accredited Professional Certified Coach (PCC)

•  CRRUK Alchemy – The Art & Science of Co-Leading & Experiential Workshop Facilitation

•  Member: International Coaching Federation

•  BMus in Music (The University of Birmingham, UK)
