Advice overload? Only you know what's best for YOU

It’s the middle of January and I’m tired of the social media posts about setting goals and intentions for 2020. 

It feels like another big fat ‘should.’ And we have enough of them already.

Sitting down, reviewing the year and plotting out a plan for the 12 months ahead just because it’s January, to me, is about as appealing as eating another Brussel sprout after 2 plates of food on Christmas day. 

No thank you. 

Ironically, allowing myself to feel this has helped me realise that there is an intention I hold for this year. 

To listen even more deeply to myself. To my body. To my intuition. To my heart. To balance this more fully with the instincts that come so easily and that are so welcome in the world we live in: The instincts that make me great at producing, achieving and making stuff happen. 

My body feels dull and sluggish and is telling me to get outside and be in the sun as I eat my lunch today.

My intuition is telling me to write this and share it. 

My heart is telling me to trust myself. That I will always know the next step to take. 

I am the only one who knows what I need. You are the only one who knows what you need. Remember that as you read your social media feed this month (and every month come to think of it). 

Trust your gut. Be inspired by what serves you and forget the rest.

Email me at with your questions, comments and reflections. I reply to every email and would love to hear from you.

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